Connecting Nifi to Teradata
Connecting Nifi to Teradata
For this demo I will be using a Windows PC including:
- Docker desktop
- PowerShell Core 7.3.6
- VMWare Workstation Player 16
- Teradata Express VM
Installing Nifi
The easiest way I found to get an instance of Nifi running is using Docker.
To get Docker working on Windows there is a little bit of extra setup required. Firstly install Docker desktop using the following installation.
Also, getting WSL2 setup is required for better performance.
In your PowerShell terminal, pull the image.
docker pull apache/nifi
To run the Docker image (as a container), use the follow command, or run using the Docker desktop application.
docker run --name nifi -p 8443:8443 -d apache/nifi:latest
Running the container will generate a username and password.
docker logs nifi | Select-String -Pattern "Generated"
Generated Username [<username>]
Generated Password [<password>]
Browse to the service in your browser of choice and login with the Generated credentials.
Setting up Teradata VM
This is something for another time, and if you are reading this you probably have a large enterprise Teradata instance you want to connect to.
For this demo, the important thing is the IP address of the VM is, you will probably have a hostname for your Teradata instance.
Adding the Teradata JDBC driver to the Docker container
We need to copy the Teradata JDBC driver to the Docker container and then restart it. Firstly download the JDBC driver and change to the directory in PowerShell.
You’ll need to sign up/login to download the driver and then extract it from the Zip archive.
Then list the containers running.
docker ps
Get the CONTAINER ID from the output.
81b55e074d9a apache/nifi:latest>8443/tcp nifi
Replace the CONTAINER ID in the following command to copy the driver from your local Windows host to the Docker container.
docker cp .\terajdbc4.jar 81b55e074d9a:/opt/nifi/nifi-current/lib
Setting up the FlowFile
Drag a new Processor onto the workbench.
We will select the ExecuteSQL type.
Now, lets configure this new Processor.
Browse to the Properties tab, and add the SQL to select from a table in your Teradata instance. In this case my demo selects from a previous loaded table from another blog post.
Then click the Arrow to configure the Database Connection Pooling Service.
Now, we have a list of Database connections. We need to add or configure one for our Teradata instance (in this case the VM).
Type=DBCPConnectionPool 1.23.2
Bundle=org.apache.nifi - nifi-dbcp-service-nar
SupportsControllerService=DBCPService 1.23.2 from org.apache.nifi - nifi-standard-services-api-nar
Then click enable, and if everything is good, you should get an enabled connection.
Now you can run the Flow. I have added a PutFile Processor as well and connected them.
Right clicking on the List queue we can see the queue of resulting SQL queries.
We can see the successful query of the Teradata data in Nifi.